The PADI Assistant Instructor Course can be taught any time on request and we also run regularly scheduled classes throughout the year. The AI course takes 3-4 days and is the first portion of the PADI Instructor development Course (IDC). After the AI course you can take the OWSI course to complete your PADI IDC and after successfully passing the PADI Instructor Exam you will be a PADI Instructor!
What can I do as a PADI Assistant Instructor?
As a PADI Assistant Instructor you can act as an assistant to the instructor and can assume limited teaching responsibilities. It’s a great way to gain experience in order to become a scuba diving instructor. As well as all the things you can do as a PADI Divemaster, once certified as a PADI Assistant Instructor you will be able to:
- Teach academic presentations under the indirect supervision of a PADI Instructor
- During confined water dives, present initial skills training under the direct supervision of a PADI Instructor
- Evaluate Open Water Diver surface skills under the indirect supervision of a PADI Instructor
- Teach and certify PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Divers under the direction of a PADI Instructor
- Teach Project AWARE Specialty courses
- Teach the AWARE Coral Reef Conservation specialty course
- Conduct PADI Discover Scuba Diving experiences in a pool or confined water
- Conduct PADI Seal Team AquaMissions
- Teach PADI Digital Underwater Photographer specialty courses under the direction of a PADI Instructor after earning the PADI Digital Underwater Photographer Specialty Instructor rating.
- Teach PADI Equipment and PADI Oxygen Provider Specialties with further training.
What does the PADI AI Course involve?
During the AI course you build upon your abilities to organize and supervise scuba diving activities, while concentrating on developing teaching skills. You learn through:
- Knowledge development through self-study, quizzes, lectures and presentations
- Confined water skill review and assessment, workshops and presentations
- Open water workshops, rescue assessment and candidate presentations
AI Program Performance Requirements
To be certified as a PADI Assistant Instructor, you must meet the following performance requirements:
- Attend the required IDC Curriculum Components some of which can be done online:
Course Orientation
Learning, Instruction and the PADI System
General Standards and Procedures
Risk Management
Marketing Diving
Start Diving
Teaching PADI Specialty Diver Courses
Business of Diving (optional)
Keep Diving (optional)
How to teach the RDP (optional)
Developing Knowledge Development Presentations
Teaching in Confined Water
Conducting Open Water Dives
- Present at least two evaluated knowledge development teaching presentations and score a 3.5 or higher on at least one presentation.
- Present at least two evaluated confined water teaching presentations and score a 3.4 or higher on at least one presentation.
- Present at least one integrated (two skills) evaluated open water teaching presentation and score a 3.4 or higher on each skill.
- Demonstrate competence at performing all 20 dive skills listed on the Skill Evaluation. Candidates must earn 68 total points, with no individual score below 3.
- Score 75 percent or higher on the PADI Systems, Standards and Procedures Exam and have any missed questions reviewed until mastery is achieved. Scores less than 75 percent require a retest.
- Successfully complete the PADI Divemaster course diver rescue skills assessment in open water.
Prerequisites, equipment and required materials are the same as for the IDC.