There are several fees that you need to pay to PADI during the course of the IDC which are the same for anywhere in PADI Asia Pacific. You also must have all PADI IDC required materials. Materials included in our basic package.
A summary of these fees are below. These are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS. Due to recent large fluctuations in the value of the AUD we will not include these in the package to ensure you are not overcharged.
Prices current for 2024.
Fee | Price AUS$ |
TOTAL | 1,679 |
IDC Application Fee | 331 |
EFRI Application Fee | 228 |
IE Fee | 1,120 |
Fee | Price AUS$ |
Specialty Instructor Rating (with a CD) | 131 |
MSDT Application | 178 |
IDC Staff Instructor Application | 214 |
Assistant Instructor Application | 138 |